Mission and Vision
Our Vision
A world in which all newborns have access to and receive the optimal brain care.
Our Mission
To advance newborn brain care through international multidisciplinary collaboration, education, and innovation.
Our Objectives
To facilitate multidisciplinary international collaboration between clinicians, parents, scientists, and others with a focus on newborn brain care.
To sponsor, host and participate in educational events that will expand the field of neonatal neurocritical and neuroprotective care.
To develop consensus publications including best practice guidelines and expert opinions in the field of newborn brain care.
To provide a platform for members to exchange clinical practice guidelines and parent resources related to newborn brain care.
To support multicenter collaborative activities, quality improvement and research projects related to the field of neonatal neurology and brain development.
To collaborate with existing relevant societies and organizations in efforts to achieve the above objectives.
View our 2024 Annual Report to learn more.
Neonatal brain injury continues to be a significant problem affecting both preterm and full-term infants. Prematurity is the leading cause of death in neonates worldwide. Preterm survivors have a high risk of cerebral palsy, disability, and neurodevelopmental delay. Full-term neonates are also at risk for brain injury and subsequent delays. While perinatal events cause about one quarter of neonatal deaths worldwide, the resulting hypoxic ischemic neonatal encephalopathy affects 1-2 per one thousand live births in developed countries. In spite of the use of therapeutic hypothermia, almost half of the babies with moderate to severe encephalopathy either die or develop severe disabilities.
The proper care for babies who have, or are at risk for, brain injury requires close collaborative work between physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, and scientists. Such synergistic work mostly occurs at the individual patient care level, and rarely occurs at the societal or organizational level where guidelines are set for practice. Even among different groups of physicians, including neonatologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neuroradiologists, this collaboration has been very minimal, such that each organization mainly functions on its own.
The Newborn Brain Society was conceived with a comprehensive vision and mission focusing on the newborn brain. We envision a world in which all newborns have access to, and receive, the optimal brain care. Our mission is to advance newborn brain care through international multidisciplinary collaboration, education, and innovation among clinicians, scientists, and parents. The society is governed by a Board of Directors and its vision and mission are maintained through the help of an advisory Steering Committee. The aforementioned objectives are fulfilled by 6 committees including the Membership, Financial, Educational, Guidelines and Publications, Communication and Networking, and Quality Improvement and Research Committees.
Whether you are a clinician, trainee, scientist, parent, or a community member who cares about the newborn brain, join us today! There is no time to waste. We must work together to save the future of our beloved newborns and offer them a better life.

Mohamed El-Dib, MD

Donna Ferriero, MD, MS
Steering Committee Chairperson