Volpe's View
A series of commentaries, written by Dr. Joseph Volpe, on recent topics of high relevance to the field of neonatal neurology. Each Volpe’s View will be published exclusively for the Newborn Brain Society on topics of high relevance. Dr. Volpe is the founding father of the field of neonatal neurology and brings over 60 years of clinical experience, alongside a depth of pathophysiological and neurobiological expertise to reflect on issues of clinical relevance in our field.
January, 2025
Many pediatric disorders caused by genetic abnormalities have been described in detail for many years. Therapies for such disorders have ranged from drugs to alter or correct affected biochemical pathways to transplantation of affected organs, e.g., liver, bone marrow, etc., to recover defective functions. Few such therapies have had long-lasting success. In recent years, replacement or correction of defective genes has been accomplished for many disorders and has drastically changed the outlook of patients with previously untreatable disorders. In pediatrics, several FDA-approved therapies have been generated for such diseases as sickle cell disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, an inherited retinal disorder, hemophilia A, β-thalassemia, leukemia/lymphoma, cerebral metachromatic leukodystrophy, and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).1 To my knowledge, only the severe form of SMA, type 1 SMA (see later), has been approved for neonatal treatment and will be the example chosen for this discussion of gene therapy in neonatal neurology.
Introduction to Type 1 SMA
In the following, I will outline briefly the principal clinical and molecular genetic features of type 1 SMA, the three major types of genetic interventions for this disorder and their associated outcomes, the importance of newborn screening and presymptomatic treatment, and the economic and ethical issues associated with the genetic therapies for type 1 SMA and, by extrapolation, for future genetic therapies for neonatal disorders.
Type 1 SMA—Clinical, Pathological and Genetic Aspects
Concerning clinical aspects, the disorder is clinically apparent at birth in 35%, in the first month of life in 16%, in the second month in 23%, and from the end of the second month to the sixth month of life in the remaining 26%.2 Important for neonatologists, a careful history usually reveals maternal report of decreased and weak fetal movements in the third trimester, and the initial neonatal exam notes, in nearly one-half, generalized weakness and hypotonia, weak cry, difficulty sucking and swallowing, but relative preservation of facial movement. The result is the very sad picture of a facially expressive but nearly motionless infant.
The neuropathology is distinctive and involves degeneration of anterior horn cells, secondary to deficiency of the protein, survival motor neuron (SMN). The biological functions of SMN involve RNA metabolism and thereby the assembly of multiple proteins, involved especially in axonal growth and maintenance.3 Spinal cord motor neurons are especially dependent on these proteins, because of the neurons’ very long axons and need for axonal mRNA transport and trafficking.4
The genetic defect in this autosomal recessive disorder involves the SMA region on chromosome 5.4 The region contains two copies of the SMN gene, one telomeric (SMN1) and the other, centromeric (SMN2). Homozygous deletions involving exon 7 of the SMN1 gene account for virtually all cases of type 1 SMA. The centromeric, SMN2 gene, contains a single nucleotide change in exon 7 that markedly influences splicing and, as a result, produces primarily 90-95% of a truncated protein, with a short life, and most importantly only approximately 5-10% of the normal full-length SMN protein.4 Notably, in the presence of the deleted SMN1 gene, SMN2 copy number may increase or decrease. The importance of this phenomenon is that the copy number of SMN2 is the most critical determinant of the severity of the SMA phenotype.4 In the most severe phenotype, i.e., type 1 SMA (the focus of this Commentary), approximately 80% of infants carry only one or two SMN2 copies. Two of the three genetic therapies to be described later lead to an increase in the amount of full-length SMN protein from SMN2.
Treatment of Type 1 SMA
In previous years, the principal treatments for type 1 SMA were supportive measures, focused on management of the impairments of sucking and swallowing and the handling of secretions. Thus, gastrostomy and, later, tracheostomy with invasive ventilation were needed to prolong life. Infants do not attain ability to sit, and without genetic therapy median age at death (or permanent ventilation) has been in the range of 4 to 8 months, with maximum survival rarely exceeding 12 to 18 months.4,5
In recent years, genetic therapies have markedly altered the outcome of type 1 SMA. The three approaches include: (1) a single intravenous injection of a nonreplicating adenovirus that includes the normal SMN1 genetic sequence (onasemnogene abeparvovec [OA]),6 (2) repetitive intrathecal administration of the antisense oligonucleotide drug nusinersen that increases the amount of full-length SMN protein from SMN2, and (3) repetitive oral administration of a small molecule (risdiplam) that modulates SMN2 pre-RNA splicing and thereby increases the amount of full-length SMN protein from SMN2.
Although the detailed results of the multiple clinical trials carried out thus far with these three approaches are beyond the scope of this Commentary, overall the beneficial effects have been dramatic, as will be discussed briefly next (for reviews see4,7-9).
Gene Replacement with OA
With gene replacement with OA, all symptomatic infants have survived, without need for permanent ventilation, and approximately one-half have achieved independent sitting by 18 months.7 (The ultimate duration of benefit from the single dose of OA is unclear.)
Notably, infants who are asymptomatic at the time of OA therapy and detected largely by newborn screening have had even better outcomes than when treated after the onset of symptoms (see Importance of Newborn Screening, later).10,11 Thus, of 14 infants with two SMN2 copies infused with OA at a median age of 21 days, all survived and sat independently at 14 months, approximately 80% stood independently by 18 months and 64% walked independently by 18 months.
Similarly, treatment with intrathecal nusinersen in symptomatic infants with type 1 SMA has led to markedly improved outcomes. In the initial major study by Finkel et al.,12 51% of the 73 nusinersen-treated infants had an impressive motor response (rolling over, sitting independently) versus none of the 37 controls. More strikingly, after these initial promising results in symptomatic infants, 15 type 1 SMA asymptomatic infants (with only 2 copies of SMN2), identified by newborn screening, were treated with nusinersen (median age at first dose: 19 days). The results were strikingly favorable: all were alive at follow-up at a median age of 4.9 years; all acquired independent sitting, 14/15 (93%) walked with assistance and 13/15 (87%) walked independently.13
Although experience with oral risdiplam is less extensive than with OA and nusinersen, the drug has proven to be very effective. Initial work with 41 symptomatic infants with type 1 SMA treated for at least 12 months showed clear benefit—after 24 months, 83% were alive with no permanent ventilation, 61% were able to sit without support and 95% were able to feed orally.14 Importantly, recent experience with four infants treated presymptomatically (< 6 weeks) and followed for > 12 months showed that all infants survived and sat independently, and 2 of 4 stood independently.10 Follow-up is ongoing.
Importance of Newborn Screening
As noted in the previous section, considerable data now show that onset of any of the three treatment modalities prior to the development of clinical symptoms is associated with better outcomes when compared to treatment begun after such development.10 SMA was added to the US Federal Recommended Uniform Screening Panel for newborn screening in 2018 and currently approximately 99% of US newborns are screened.7 The disease incidence in the USA is approximately 1 in 1100.7 In 2023, the number of births in the US was 3,591,328.15 Thus, at least 330 new cases of SMA can be expected to be detected yearly. Moreover, because the disorder may be clinically silent in the newborn period, the neonatologist is likely to face the issue of discussing complex treatment options with a family unaware that their infant has a fatal disorder. As important, onset of whichever of the three treatment options is chosen should occur as promptly as possible, i.e., before the infant becomes symptomatic. As noted in the previous section, outcome is less favorable if the disease has become symptomatic prior to treatment, presumably reflecting more advanced degeneration of anterior horn cells.
Economic and Ethical Issues of Genetic Therapies—SMA as a Prime Example
Assessment of the economic and ethical issues of genetic therapies for type 1 SMA is of general importance, since the issues are relevant to current and future such therapies. Of particular importance in this context, with the broader impact of newborn screening and the importance of presymptomatic therapy, the neonatologist will be at the vanguard of prompt and carefully targeted therapy. Economic and ethical issues are closely intertwined because of the high cost of the therapies and issues related to the long-term durability of the therapies. In the brief discussion that follows, I will address economic issues first.
Economics of Genetic Therapies for Type 1 SMA—Costs
The economic costs of the three modalities, i.e., OA, nusinersen and risdiplam, are startling. For OA, the adeno-associated virus based gene delivery of a cDNA version of the SMN1 gene (FDA-approved for newborns in 2019), the cost is $2,125,000 for the single dose required.16 Durability of effectiveness appears to be good, at least over the 5+ years of follow-up thus far.
For nusinersen (FDA-approved for newborns in 2017), administered intrathecally initially as four loading doses every two months, and subsequently every 4 months, at $125,000 per dose, the cost therefore is $750,000 for the first year and then $375,000 per year subsequently.16 Durability of benefit is apparent over approximately 5 years of follow-up.
For risdiplam (FDA-approved for newborns in 2022), the cost is $100,000 to $340,000 per year, depending on the weight of the infant.16 Data thus far suggest that the agent is safe and effectiveness is durable, although experience with newborns and very young infants is limited.
A discussion of reported side-effects of these agents is beyond the scope of this Commentary. A reasonable conclusion currently is that the interventions are generally safe over the long term, and as noted earlier, the clinical benefit is enormous. Nevertheless, although durability of benefit appears good for the three therapies, data are relatively limited, follow-up is not long and later development of side effects are important unknowns.
Other Costs Related to Type 1 SMA
Families of infants with SMA bear enormous costs related to the infant’s health care expenses (other than genetic therapies), loss of family income, expenses for daily caregivers, etc. In one careful analysis in Australia, such annual costs amounted to approximately US$230,000, with substantial deficits in health-related quality of life for both affected infants and their caregivers.17 Although data are still relatively limited, available information from several countries indicates that presymptomatic screening and early therapy have enormous benefits on economic costs and quality of life for both patients and families.16-19
Paying for Genetic Therapies for SMA
Payment for the three genetic therapies outlined earlier is an enormous challenge, both in countries like the United States with mixed private and government insurance and in countries with completely government-paid health care. In the United States, coverage varies among insurers. Currently, the three drug companies involved in the SMA treatments just described have co-pay programs, as well as referrals to charitable organizations for third-party assistance.16 Medicare and Medicaid are a third source of payment. In 2018, nusinersen alone cost Medicaid an estimated $150,000,000 to $189,000,000.20 Among the potential solutions to the challenge of the high cost of genetic therapies is the over-arching need both to control costs and to assure access to affected infants. Medicaid appears to be the modality with sufficient power to negotiate with drug companies to assure access for affected infants.20 The great unknown at present in the United States is whether those with governmental oversight of Medicare and Medicaid will pursue this course.
The economic issues associated with genetic therapies for SMA are, in many ways, “the canary in the coal mine” concerning future genetic therapies. Although currently only 8 such therapies have received FDA approval for pediatric patients, the issue is nearly at an explosive stage. Thus, examination of the pipeline for such therapies shows that approximately “85 new gene therapies across more than 12 therapeutic areas are expected to receive regulatory approval by 2032, with an estimated ten-year list price of $35 billion to $40 billion.”21 Many of these are likely to be applicable to the newborn.
Ethical Issues of Genetic Therapies for Type 1 SMA
To consider the ethical issues raised by the genetic therapies for type 1 SMA, Yeo et al.16 use as a guiding principle weighing the needs of the individual against the needs of the collective of society. The intersection of the economic issues with societal needs is clearly a major point of tension. However, with all three drugs, especially with presymptomatic treatment, it appears thus far with type 1 SMA that an infant who would have died over months now can survive with normal or near normal development. Apart from studies of quality-of-life measures which show the pronounced economic savings for society with these genetic therapies, the apparent durability of their benefit, and their apparent safety, it is difficult to imagine any other course but to find, by whatever means, a way to treat the afflicted child. As caregivers for these infants, our role should expand beyond that of diagnosis of the disorder and dealing with the life-threatening events of the afflicted child. Our role needs to extend to advocacy for access of our infants to the latest successful gene therapies. It would be hard to imagine a greater stimulus for such advocacy than to enable a beautiful but paralyzed infant, destined to die in months, to receive a genetic therapy that provides the promise of normal development and great happiness for a family.
Summary / Conclusions
The focus of this Commentary has been genetic therapy in neonatal neurology, with SMA as the illustrative example. The therapies include direct infusion of the normal gene that is defective in SMA, repetitive intrathecal administration of an antisense oligonucleotide drug that increases the amount of the normal gene product, and oral administration of a drug that modulates RNA splicing and thereby increases the amount of the normal gene product. Results have been remarkably favorable, and especially with presymptomatic treatment afforded by newborn screening, normal development seems achievable.
The great promise of these therapies occurs in the context of their remarkable financial expense. The resulting economic and ethical issues are a great challenge to society, on multiple levels. Nonetheless, in my view the success of the genetic therapies for SMA and the likelihood that such therapies for other neonatal neurological disorders, e.g., metabolic, degenerative, neuromuscular, etc., are on the horizon make it clear that our role as neonatal caregivers must expand to societal advocacy for universal access.
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital
Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Boston MA
- US Food and Drug Administration. Available from: https://www.fda.gov/.
- Thomas NH, Dubowitz V: The natural history of type I (severe) spinal muscular atrophy. Neuromuscul Disord 4:497-502, 1994. DOI: 10.1016/0960-8966(94)90090-6
- Yeo CJJ, Darras BT: Overturning the Paradigm of Spinal Muscular Atrophy as Just a Motor Neuron Disease. Pediatr Neurol 109:12-9, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2020.01.003
- Darras BT, Volpe JJ. Levels Above Lower Motor Neuron to Neuromuscular Junction. Chapter 36. In: Volpe JJ, Inder TE, Darras BT, de Vries LS, du Plessis AJ, Ferriero DM, Perlman JM, editors. Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn. 7th ed. Philadelphia PA: Elsevier; 2024. p. 1039-73.
- Cances C, Vlodavets D, Comi GP, et al.: Natural history of Type 1 spinal muscular atrophy: a retrospective, global, multicenter study. Orphanet J Rare Dis 17:300, 2022. DOI: 10.1186/s13023-022-02455-x
- Mendell JR, Al-Zaidy S, Shell R, et al.: Single-Dose Gene-Replacement Therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. N Engl J Med 377:1713-22, 2017. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1706198
- Yeo CJJ, Tizzano EF, Darras BT: Challenges and opportunities in spinal muscular atrophy therapeutics. Lancet Neurol 23:205-18, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(23)00419-2
- Kokaliaris C, Evans R, Hawkins N, et al.: Long-Term Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Risdiplam and Nusinersen in Children with Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Adv Ther 41:2414-34, 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s12325-024-02845-6
- McGrattan KE, Shell RD, Hurst-Davis R, et al.: Patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1 Achieve and Maintain Bulbar Function Following Onasemnogene Abeparvovec Treatment. J Neuromuscul Dis 10:531-40, 2023. DOI: 10.3233/JND-221531
- Cooper K, Nalbant G, Sutton A, et al.: Systematic Review of Presymptomatic Treatment for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Int J Neonatal Screen 10, 2024. DOI: 10.3390/ijns10030056
- Strauss KA, Farrar MA, Muntoni F, et al.: Onasemnogene abeparvovec for presymptomatic infants with two copies of SMN2 at risk for spinal muscular atrophy type 1: the Phase III SPR1NT trial. Nat Med 28:1381-9, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41591-022-01866-4
- Finkel RS, Mercuri E, Darras BT, et al.: Nusinersen versus Sham Control in Infantile-Onset Spinal Muscular Atrophy. N Engl J Med 377:1723-32, 2017. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1702752
- De Vivo DC, Bertini E, Swoboda KJ, et al.: Nusinersen initiated in infants during the presymptomatic stage of spinal muscular atrophy: Interim efficacy and safety results from the Phase 2 NURTURE study. Neuromuscul Disord 29:842-56, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.nmd.2019.09.007
- Darras BT, Masson R, Mazurkiewicz-Beldzinska M, et al.: Risdiplam-Treated Infants with Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy versus Historical Controls. N Engl J Med 385:427-35, 2021. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2102047
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- Yeo CJJ, Simmons Z, De Vivo DC, Darras BT: Ethical Perspectives on Treatment Options with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patients. Ann Neurol 91:305-16, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/ana.26299
- Chambers GM, Settumba SN, Carey KA, et al.: Prenusinersen economic and health-related quality of life burden of spinal muscular atrophy. Neurology 95:e1-e10, 2020. DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000009715
- Weidlich D, Servais L, Kausar I, et al.: Cost-Effectiveness of Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in England. Neurol Ther 12:1205-20, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s40120-023-00489-2
- Ghetti G, Mennini FS, Marcellusi A, et al.: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Italy. Clin Drug Investig 44:687-701, 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s40261-024-01386-8
- Ballreich J, Ezebilo I, Sharfstein J: Affording Genetic Therapies in the Medicaid Program. JAMA Pediatr 174:523-4, 2020. DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.0168
- Phares S, Trusheim M, Emond SK, Pearson SD: Managing the challenges of paying for gene therapy: strategies for market action and policy reform in the United States. J Comp Eff Res 13:e240118, 2024. DOI: 10.57264/cer-2024-0118
November, 2024
Seizures are a frequent and important feature of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) (see, for reviews,1,2). Approximately 50% (30-65%) of term infants with moderate to severe HIE exhibit electrographic seizures, and the latter begin principally in the first 12-24 hours after birth.1 Multiple reports have shown that the seizure burden (SB), usually expressed as total SB (total duration in minutes for all electrographic seizures) and in some studies also as maximum hourly SB (highest electrographic seizure duration in a 1-hour period), is associated with neurological outcome, with higher SB associated with poorer outcome (see later). A considerable clinical and experimental literature suggests that seizures are harmful to developing brain (see later). Thus, attempts to diminish SB by treatment with anti-seizure medication (ASM) have seemed reasonable. Two recent reports present data that suggest opposite conclusions on this important issue.3,4
In the following, I will discuss briefly the two reports just noted, the issues of detection and management of SB, and the potential effects of SB on the developing infant brain. I will suggest a path forward in our assessment and management of the term newborn with HIE and seizures.
Seizure Burden—Detection, Management and Outcome
Detection, management and outcome of SB, most often in newborns with HIE, have been the focus of multiple excellent studies over the past two decades.3-9 Concerning detection, both the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society and the International League Against Epilepsy have considered continuous, conventional (multichannel) EEG (cEEG) monitoring as the gold standard for most accurate identification of neonatal seizures and the best guide for treatment.1,10-12 This recommendation is buttressed by the widely accepted observations that non-epileptic paroxysmal clinical phenomena are often mistaken for seizures and that electrographic seizures often exhibit no clear clinical correlates.1 Concerning management, phenobarbital is recommended as the first-line anti-seizure medication (ASM) by the WHO and the Newborn Brain Society.1 Concerning outcome, higher SB has been generally considered to be associated with poorer subsequent neurodevelopmental function (see later).
On this background, Hunt and coworkers3 reported on a multicenter (13 sites in 3 countries), randomized clinical trial of newborns (>35 weeks’ gestation) with moderate to severe encephalopathy to determine if drug treatment of all clinically and electrographically detected seizures (ESG group), compared with the treatment of clinically detected seizures alone (CSG group), reduced mortality and neurodevelopmental morbidity through a potential reduction in SB. Electrographic seizures were detected by amplitude integrated EEG (aEEG), not cEEG. Notably, there was no difference in mortality or neurodevelopmental disability nor in SB between the two groups. Moreover, cognitive outcome appeared to be worse in the ESG group. The authors concluded that “despite our increasing reliance on bedside aEEG as a neuromonitoring tool, the issue of whether or not seizure detection should trigger administration of conventional, potentially neurotoxic anticonvulsant drugs remains unresolved.”3
The report of Hunt et al.3 provoked two excellent commentaries.13,14 Among the criticisms of the study and its conclusions were lack of power (related in part to the loss of equipoise generated during the study by the results of the report of Srinivasakumar et al.4) (see later), the lack of monitoring with cEEG, the recommended method for quantitating SB, the minimal difference in cognitive scores between the ESG and CSG groups, and the inclusion of all seizure etiologies (25-30% of cases did not have HIE as cause of seizures).
Different conclusions concerning detection, management and outcome of SB were drawn in the report of Srinivasakumar et al.,4 published during the course of the trial of Hunt et al. The former study was a single center, prospective, randomized control trial in term infants with moderate to severe HIE (n=69). All infants were monitored by cEEG. Infants were assigned randomly to either treatment of electrographic seizures alone (ESG) or treatment of clinical seizures alone (CSG). When compared to the CSG, treatment of EEG seizures in the ESG resulted in a shorter time to treatment from seizure onset, a significant decrease in electrographic SB, and a decrease in the number of seizures. MRI injury scores (at 7-10 days of age) were lower in the ESG than in the CSG. Upon neurodevelopmental evaluation at 18 to 24 months, increasing neonatal SB in the combined cohort was significantly associated with lower performance scores across all domains of BSID-III. However, the study was not powered to delineate an impact on overall neurodevelopmental outcome between the two groups. The authors concluded that “cEEG monitoring and treatment of electrographic seizures results in a significant reduction in SB. Increasing SB is associated with more severe brain injury and significantly lower performance scores on BSID-III.”4
Although, in my view, the report of Srinivasakumar et al.4 supports the value of cEEG monitoring of electrographic seizures, the quantitation of SB, and the attempts to reduce this burden by treatment with ASM, the question remains whether the reduction of SB afforded by early detection by cEEG monitoring and ASM treatment results in improved neurodevelopmental outcome. As noted by both Hunt et al.3 and Srinivasakumar et al.,4 to answer that question would require a much larger clinical trial. In the current absence of such a trial, it is useful to consider (1) whether neonatal seizures are deleterious to developing brain and (2) whether the means to minimize such seizures by currently used ASMs are also deleterious.
Deleterious Effects of Neonatal Seizures on Developing Brain
The deleterious effects of neonatal seizures on developing brain are divided best into those related to single prolonged seizures and those related to briefer recurrent seizures (see, for review, 1,15). I will emphasize the latter because they predominate in the newborn.
Single Prolonged Seizures
Single prolonged seizures are relatively uncommon in newborns; brain injury in this context usually is related to apnea, hypoventilation, hypoxia, cardiovascular collapse, increased cerebral energy consumption, cerebral energy failure and neuronal death. The decline in high energy phosphates in brain with neonatal seizures and their recovery after phenobarbital treatment have been documented in the living infant by phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).1,16 A number of pre-clinical studies have shown a relation between prolonged seizures and exacerbation of hypoxic-ischemic neuronal injury.1,17,18 In one study with careful neuropathological data, the increased injury occurred exclusively in the hippocampus.17 This finding is particularly notable because hippocampal neuronal injury is characteristic of infants with HIE (see later).
Multiple Recurrent Seizures—Pre-clinical Studies
Multiple recurrent seizures are most characteristic of the infant with HIE. Of particular relevance in this context is evidence from excellent experimental models utilizing developing animals and showing the deleterious consequences of recurrent seizures, not necessarily prolonged, involving long-term functional, morphological and physiological deficits.1,19-23 The most consistent functional disturbances involve deficits in cognition, visual-spatial memory and learning, consistent with the locus of the principal structural deficits in the hippocampus (see later). The morphological correlates of the functional disturbances involve neuronal developmental abnormalities rather than neuronal loss. The most severe disturbances occur in the hippocampus and include (1) dendritic spine loss in CA3 pyramidal cells and (2) a distinctive pattern of synaptic reorganization of axons and terminals of the dentate granule cells (i.e., mossy fibers).21 The degree of this “sprouting” of mossy fibers correlates with the severity of the cognitive deficits in the animal models. Moreover, (3) dentate granule cell neurogenesis, which, unlike other cortical areas, persists in the human neonatal period,24 is impaired after recurrent seizures in the animal models.25 It seems highly plausible that the hippocampus and its connections are crucial sources for the subsequent cognitive deficits observed in human infants, as described earlier and discussed further later. Concerning physiological consequences, recurrent seizures also lead to glutamate receptor molecular alterations that favor subsequent neuronal excitability and, therefore, epileptogenesis.1 The latter is a recognized sequela of neonatal HIE.1,2
Multiple Recurrent Seizures—Clinical Studies
Although few data are available concerning specific structural deficits related to recurrent seizures in infants with HIE, one large study utilizing structural MRI and proton MRS showed that seizure severity (frequency and duration) was associated with enhanced abnormalities in “basal nuclei” and “cerebral border zones.”26 Whether this finding was indicative of seizures enhancing cerebral injury or of more severe cerebral injury causing more seizures is unclear, although the investigators interpreted multivariable linear regression models to favor the former conclusion.26
As noted earlier, excellent experimental studies suggest that recurrent neonatal seizures lead to later developmental impairments in hippocampal/limbic neuronal structures. However, I am unaware of any specific data in human infants concerning effects of recurrent neonatal seizures on subsequent development of hippocampus and its limbic (e.g., mammillary bodies) and diencephalic (e.g., thalamus) connections. Because hippocampal neurons are especially vulnerable to neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injury/necrosis,24,27,28 it is difficult to distinguish initial destructive effects and their sequelae from later developmental effects, although both phenomena may co-exist. This difficulty is illustrated by several excellent studies of children (5- and 10-year-olds) after neonatal HIE that show, by MRI, diminished volumes of hippocampi and/or mammillary bodies, the latter a key part of hippocampal circuitry.29-31 The deficits correlated with evidence of hippocampal dysfunction, including deficits in memory processing speed and overall cognition (patient numbers were too small to address a specific effect of recurrent seizures). That these later morphological and functional limbic deficits may represent, in part, sequelae of the acute hypoxic-ischemic injury is suggested by recent work with MRI (utilizing especially thin slices) showing that mammillary body lesions are apparent in the first week of neonatal HIE in as many as 40% of cases.32,33 A relation between recurrent neonatal seizure activity and these acute lesions or the subsequent limbic abnormalities in childhood was not addressed. Thus, at present, a clear relation between recurrent neonatal seizures or other manifestations of increased SB and impaired hippocampal/limbic development, comparable to the relation shown in experimental studies (see earlier), has not yet been proven in human infants with HIE. On balance, however, as noted later, I favor the notion that recurrent neonatal seizures as quantitated as SB do have a deleterious effect on subsequent brain development in human infants.
Are ASMs Deleterious to Developing Brain?
Because it is beyond the scope of this presentation to discuss all ASMs, I will focus on phenobarbital, the most commonly used, first-line ASM for neonatal seizures worldwide. The WHO and the Newborn Brain Society recommend phenobarbital as the first-line therapy for neonatal seizures.1 In mature neurons the drug activates GABAA receptors, allowing Cl– influx and thereby inhibition. However, in neonatal brain many neurons have high intracellular Cl–levels, and opening the GABA channel in such neurons can cause Cl– efflux and excitation instead of inhibition (see later). Nonetheless, on balance the drug is generally an effective anticonvulsant.
Concern has been raised, principally from experimental studies in a rat model,34,35 about potential toxicity of phenobarbital. Apoptotic neurodegeneration was observed within 24 hours of administration of phenobarbital, as well as several other anticonvulsants. (Notably, levetiracetam did not produce these effects.36) The neuronal death was associated with reduced expression of neurotrophins and survival-promoting proteins in brain. The relevance to human infants remains unclear.
Currently, the beneficial anticonvulsant effect of phenobarbital has outweighed concerns for neurotoxicity. Nevertheless, search for agents without the possibility of GABA-mediated excitation has been stimulated. Bumetanide and levetiracetam, among others, have been studied.37,38 Bumetanide acts by inhibiting the Cl– cotransporter (NKCC1) that results in immature neurons in the elevated Cl– levels referred to earlier. Thus, in the presence of bumetanide, activation of GABAA receptors by phenobarbital restores the latter’s inhibitory effect. Levetiracetam acts by preventing neurotransmitter release by binding to a presynaptic vesicle protein, SV2a.1 Although beyond the scope of this Commentary, both bumetanide (as add-on therapy with phenobarbital)37 and levetiracetam1 have shown potential benefit. Concerns about ototoxicity have dampened enthusiasm for bumetanide. Levetiracetam currently is under renewed investigation in a clinical trial in Europe. (See Anwar T et al.39 for a recent review of current ASMs.)
Seizure Burden—Cause or Consequence of Brain Injury/Dysmaturation?
Although the findings in pre-clinical models suggest that both enhanced neuronal injury and dysmaturation can result from neonatal seizures, it has been considerably more difficult in human studies to establish causal relationships (see earlier concerning injury and dysmaturation in limbic structures). Considerable work has shown in the setting of HIE that severity of SB is associated with overall severity of MRI evidence of brain injury in the neonatal period, as well as with degree of impairment of neurodevelopmental outcome.1,4,5,38,40-42 The key question has been whether these relations reflect a simple association, i.e., severe seizures are a manifestation of severe neonatal pathology, or whether pronounced recurrent seizures exacerbate the hypoxic-ischemic injury and lead to worse neurodevelopmental outcome. Earlier studies have suggested that such exacerbation does occur.26 Moreover, in two large, careful studies, multivariate analysis indicated that severe neonatal SB is independently associated with impaired neurodevelopmental outcome, even after adjusting for severity of MRI evidence of brain injury (and exposure to ASM).4,5 However, the MRI measures of severity of brain injury are relatively crude from the regional and cellular perspectives. In particular, as described earlier, the best experimental data point to recurrent seizures causing disturbance of hippocampal/limbic cellular development, and, to my knowledge, no information is available in human infants to assess later hippocampal structural development and connectivity in relation to SB. Although I favor the notion that both destructive lesions and subsequent developmental disturbances of limbic structures (hippocampus, mammillary bodies, thalamus) occur in the context of HIE and recurrent seizures, this idea has not been proven conclusively in human infants. Careful studies of neonatal SB via quantitative seizure detection and of subsequent development of limbic and related brain structures via advanced MRI methods are needed.
To answer conclusively the critical questions in HIE concerning the relations between SB, management and effects on structural and functional outcomes, all that is needed is a very large, multicenter, double-blinded, randomized clinical trial. Advanced MRI methods should be directed not only at major vulnerable regional structures, e.g., cerebral cortex, thalamus, but especially hippocampal structures and connectivity both in the neonatal period and subsequently. I use the term “all that is needed” as an intentional understatement because such a study would be extremely difficult to carry out, not only because of logistical and methodological challenges, but also because of ethical concerns. Srinivasakumar et al.4 suggest “a meta-analysis with other centers that have similar data” or “a collaborative with institutions with similar clinical practices and follow-up.” A similar conclusion has been drawn by Alharbi et al.5 after their large study.
I propose the following recommendations concerning management of the newborn with HIE.
- Firstly, detection and treatment of seizure activity in the infant with HIE as early as possible after birth. Recognizing the logistical challenges in the referring, often nonacademic birth center, nonetheless we should recall the work of Gunn and collaborators showing that subsequent cerebral hypothermia is not neuroprotective when begun after the onset of seizures in the well-characterized fetal sheep model.43
- Secondly, upon arrival at a cooling center, prompt detection and quantitation of SB by cEEG.
- Thirdly, prompt treatment for seizures, initially with phenobarbital. However, anticonvulsive agents without GABAA agonist activity or with ability to correct high intracellular Cl– levels in neurons should be sought. (Perhaps levetiracetam or bumetanide can serve as examples for future drug development. See Anwar et al.39 for more specific details.)
- Fourthly, careful assessment by advanced MRI techniques (in both the neonatal period and subsequently) to assess not only cerebral cortical and diencephalic (thalamus) structure but especially hippocampal/limbic structures and their development in relation both to SB and to ASM management.
- Fifthly, careful follow-up of cognitive development, with a greater emphasis on limbic functions, e.g., memory functions, visual-spatial abilities, learning, emotional regulation, etc.
These recommendations are made with the awareness that some represent very difficult challenges. Nonetheless, in my view, improving outcome for the many infants with HIE and seizure phenomena is one of the leading challenges in current neonatal neurology.
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital
Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Boston MA
- Abend NS, Wusthoff CJ, Jensen FE, et al. Neonatal seizures. Chapter 15. In: Volpe JJ, Inder TE, Darras BT, de Vries LS, du Plessis AJ, Ferriero DM, Perlman JM, editors. Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn. 7th ed. Philadelphia PA: Elsevier; 2024. p. 381-448.
- Mrelashvili A, Ferriero DM, Inder TE, Volpe JJ. Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury in the Term Infant: Clinical-Neurological Features, Diagnosis, Imaging, Management, and Prognosis. Chapter 24. In: Volpe JJ, Inder TE, Darras BT, de Vries LS, du Plessis AJ, Ferriero DM, Perlman JM, editors. Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn. 7th ed. Philadelphia PA: Elsevier; 2024. p. 643-96.
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September, 2024
Many studies have addressed the potential value of MRI in early infancy (beyond the neonatal period) for prediction of later neurodevelopmental outcome in term infants with neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) (see for reviews1,2). Although severe lesions (especially those involving such deep nuclear structures as thalamus and basal ganglia) are associated clearly with unfavorable outcomes, such lesions involve the small minority of infants and are generally detectable in the neonatal period.3,4 There is a larger proportion of infants who will later exhibit neurodevelopmental abnormality (particularly, cognitive impairments) but who do not show severe lesions in the neonatal period. Indeed, in a recent study of 451 term infants with HIE, infants with no injury on MRI at a median age of 5 days had similar cognitive, language and motor impairment scores as those infants with observable injury.3 A reasonable question is whether such infants with only mild or moderate or perhaps no observable neonatal injury might exhibit prognostically important structural abnormalities later, e.g., three months of age. Detection of structural abnormalities in early infancy, e.g., three months of age, is desirable for many reasons. The most important of these reasons is identification of those infants who should receive therapies to enhance neurodevelopmental potential (see later). The focus of this Commentary is this large proportion of infants with neonatal HIE who later exhibit neurodevelopmental impairment, but without severe neonatal brain injury.
Brain Abnormalities Identified on Late MRI Studies
Approximately 20 reports over the past 34 years have reported MRI data obtained in the months after neonatal HIE (see Table 1 in Sotelo et al.2). In general (see later for a few exceptions), compared to neonatal MRI data, later conventional MRIs do not consistently show more clearly useful information regarding prediction of later neurodevelopmental impairment. Severe neurological deficits involving motor (“cerebral palsy”) and cognitive functions are predicted by overt injury (usually necrosis) to deep nuclear structures (e.g., thalamus, putamen) or cerebral cortex or both. However, as just noted, these lesions generally are identified readily in the neonatal period and occur in only a small minority of current survivors of neonatal HIE.
The principal late MRI findings in the first postnatal months among the large majority of survivors without overt necrotic lesions have included signal abnormalities in cortex, deep nuclear structures and cerebral white matter, often with modest increases in lateral ventricular size or extracerebral space or both. The anatomic bases generally have been considered to be related to “Wallerian degeneration” and “atrophy.” Thus, in essence, the concept has been that the infant sustained a neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injury with cellular/tissue loss and that subsequent anatomic and neurodevelopmental findings are secondary to this loss. However, these modest later structural MRI findings do not show a robust relation to subsequent neurodevelopmental outcome.1,2
In this Commentary, I propose that the reasons for this lack of a robust relation of later MRI studies to subsequent neurodevelopmental outcomes are that (1) the anatomic bases are not related simply to cellular/tissue loss, and (2) the previous later MRI approaches have not been adequate to capture the essence of the brain abnormalities.
Proposed Nature of the Brain Abnormalities in Neonatal HIE in Early Infancy
The hypothesis set forth in this Commentary is that the brain abnormalities in early infancy in those infants destined to have neurodevelopmental impairment are principally dysmaturational in nature, involve both gray and white matter structures, are persistent and dynamic, and potentially are modifiable. This dysmaturational concept5,6 is accepted generally for premature infants with neonatal injury, and the manifestations are definable in such infants at term equivalent age by MRI studies of regional brain volumes, cerebral cortical gyrification, fiber tract development and connectivity (among other parameters).6,7 I suggest that the dysmaturational concept is relevant also to the term infant in the months following neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injury. Indeed, vulnerable maturational events are very active in the term newborn brain and continue robustly over the months postnatal, as discussed next.
Principal Developmental Events at Term and in the First Postnatal Months
To place this dysmaturational idea in context, it is important to consider the principal developmental events at term and in the first postnatal months following term birth. These events involve key structures in cerebral white matter, thalamus and cerebral cortex.
Cerebral White Matter
The major developmental events in cerebral white matter at term and during the early post-term period include oligodendroglial maturation with ensheathment of axons (critical for such axonal growth as thalamo-cortical, cortico-callosal and cortico-cortical fibers and for early cerebral myelination).5,6,8 Cerebral myelination begins during this period in the corona radiata (central cerebral white matter), the optic tract and chiasm, the auditory radiation, Heschl’s gyrus, thalamus and thalamic connections, among others.9
An additional important event in cerebral white matter involves migration of GABAergic neurons to cerebral cortex.10 This migration is especially active prior to term but continues until six postnatal months. Differentiation of these GABAergic neurons in cortex is also very active during this period (see later).
Thalamic development is very active at term and during the first months of life. The principal events involve axonal growth, myelination and connectivity.8,9 This structure serves as a complex way station for axons ascending from brain stem, cerebellum and spinal cord and descending from cerebral cortex. Indeed, thalamic connections to the entirety of cerebral cortical and diencephalic neurons are crucial for a wide variety of complex motor, cognitive and behavioral functions. Thalamic neurons are highly sensitive to hypoxic-ischemic injury in the term infant.11,12 Not surprisingly, a strong relation exists between overt hypoxic-ischemic thalamic/putaminal injury and severely impaired cognitive and motor outcomes.13 However, little is known about the relations of less obvious disturbance to thalamus during early development and a variety of subsequent neurodevelopmental impairments. Although not yet elucidated, in view of the very wide spectrum of thalamic connections, it seems reasonable to speculate that less obvious disturbances of thalamic developmental parameters could contribute importantly to later neurodevelopmental impairments.
Cerebral Cortex
The first several months after term birth is a remarkable period for cortical development. The key events are elaboration of the dendritic arbor and axonal ramifications, culminating in cortical synaptogenesis.14-21 A detailed computerized analysis of Conel’s remarkable corpus of study of human cerebral cortical development in the first months and years of life showed that the first six months of life account for fully one-third of the developmental change in human cerebral cortex from term birth to 72 months of age.18
As noted earlier, GABAergic neuronal development is very active during the first postnatal months. Migration to upper cortical areas comes to a conclusion during this period. Differentiation of these neurons in upper cortical layers increases superficial cortical surface area and is important in provoking formation of gyri.22 During this time frame, GABAergic neurons differentiate from an initial, largely excitatory phenotype to their familiar inhibitory phenotype. These neurons play critical roles in development of cortical circuitry and determination of cortical critical periods.23-25
Interaction of Cell Injury/Loss and Altered Development
Although not yet clearly accomplished for all parameters, it seems highly likely that the remarkable developmental events just described are highly vulnerable to such major perturbations as hypoxic-ischemic insults and especially to the subsequent persistent gliosis, involving both microglia and astrocytes (see later). This dysmaturational consequence to a destructive process would be entirely consistent with the phenomena shown for premature infants.5,6
A particularly important brain area in this context of rapid developing structures likely to be affected by neonatal HIE is the hippocampus. Several seminal preclinical studies by Gunn and colleagues highlighted the particular vulnerability of hippocampal neurons.26,27 The hippocampus is located deep in the medial temporal lobe, and contains a series of subfields of pyramidal cells that connect to multiple other structures, such as thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex, among other structures (for review, see28,29). The hippocampus later mediates key functions involved in memory, learning, emotional regulation and cognitive function. Hippocampal neurons, especially those of the CA1 and CA3 regions, are exquisitely vulnerable to injury by hypoxic-ischemic insults.11,12
The loss of these hippocampal neurons during the acute period, as well as the deleterious effect of subsequent gliosis (see later), would be expected to disrupt the subsequent development of the hippocampus and its connections. The most active developmental processes occurring in hippocampus around the time of birth and in the first months of life are dendritic arborization, synaptogenesis and myelination. It is noteworthy in this context that later MRI studies of infants with HIE have shown evidence of decreased hippocampal volumes, parahippocampal white matter, and mammillary bodies.30 ,31,32 Decreased hippocampal volumes and mammillary body “atrophy” were associated with impaired cognition and memory at school age after neonatal HIE.30 Notably, “atrophy” of the mammillary bodies has been shown as early as three postnatal months.33 Experimental data suggest that the abnormalities of these hippocampal structures and connections may reflect impaired development rather than simply atrophy. Thus, Back and colleagues have shown in a preterm sheep model that hippocampal volume deficits identified four weeks after hypoxia-ischemia are not related to cell loss but rather to impaired development of basal and dendritic arborization.34 These observations have important clinical implications (see later).
Interaction of cell loss, cell injury and impaired cerebral development likely involves other aspects of brain development active at term and in the first months of life, as outlined earlier. Disturbances of axonal growth, myelin elaboration, cortical and thalamic neuronal development and connectivity would be likely possibilities. A few earlier MRI studies in term infants months after HIE have noted impaired cerebral myelination35 and reduced volumes.36 However, more detailed information with state-of-the-art measures is lacking.
Likely Mechanisms Underlying Dysmaturation after Neonatal HIE
The mechanisms underlying potential dysmaturational events in the weeks and months after neonatal HIE likely relate largely to the persistent gliosis and related neuroinflammation characteristic of the so-called “tertiary phase” of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic injury (see37,38). The key role of gliosis, involving both microglia and astrocytes, has been delineated best by Gressens and collaborators.39,40 The mechanisms by which this gliosis leads to dysmaturation of differentiating oligodendroglial and neuronal-axonal structures are diverse. Pro-inflammatory (M1) microglia release reactive oxygen/nitrogen species and cytokines that then act on developing cells. Additionally, these pro-inflammatory microglia can induce formation of neurotoxic reactive astrocytes.41,42 These astrocytes secrete cytokines and other molecular products important in impaired developmental events. Additionally, because microglia and astrocytes not in an active pro-inflammatory state are important in normal development of neurons, axons, and oligodendrocytes, vascularization, synaptic development, pruning and neural circuit formation,43 diversion to the pro-inflammatory phenotypes could contribute importantly to disturbed maturational events subsequent to neonatal HIE.
Identification of Brain Dysmaturation in the First Months After Neonatal HIE
In view of the considerations just discussed, a reasonable goal in the term infant with HIE is to assess brain dysmaturation by approximately three months of age, principally to identify the nature and loci of the abnormalities and to institute interventions to improve outcomes. Three months of age obviously is a somewhat arbitrary time point, but the nature and loci of the dysmaturational events are likely to be apparent by this age and interventions should be instituted as early as possible.
To identify the nature of the likely abnormalities described earlier, state-of-the-art MRI approaches will be necessary. These approaches have been described in detail elsewhere (see, for example, Kelly et al.44). It is beyond the scope of this Commentary to describe these techniques in detail. Suffice it to say here, such methods should include careful measures of volumes of cerebral cortical regions, including hippocampus, cerebral white matter, thalamus and other nuclear structures (basal ganglia, mammillary bodies), as well as measures of axonal growth and early myelination by diffusion based tractographic approaches (see later), and of intracortical and cortico-thalamic connectivity by functional MRI measures.
Detailed microstructural assessments will be critical in detecting early dysmaturational events.44,45 For example, measures of cerebral cortical surface area, thickness and gyrification will provide insights into the cortical dysmaturational disturbances referred to earlier. In cerebral white matter, major white matter tracts can be interrogated by such advanced diffusion MRI analyses as fixel-based analysis44 to provide insight into axonal growth and elaboration. Similarly, so-called NODDI imaging (Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging) could provide major insight into axonal development in white matter tracts. Insight into disturbances of pre-oligodendroglial (pre-OL) ensheathment of axons and myelination in cerebral white matter, as well as dendritic and axonal development in cerebral cortex and such deep nuclear structures as thalamus and putamen, can be deduced by these approaches.
Clearly, all or most of these approaches are not available to the vast proportion of neonatal facilities. Moreover, the capacity to study a control population is limited and difficult. However, some research programs could pursue such a major investigative effort (with appropriate external funding). The aim then would be that some of the findings generated from such research could help direct use of specific MRI measures more generally available among neonatal facilities to target specific structures or regions of especial prognostic value. For example, could measures related to hippocampal structure and connections or to specific white matter maturational features be especially valuable for estimates of prognosis or for direction of areas of intervention?
Is There Value to Detect Dysmaturation by MRI at Three Months of Age?
Although understanding the neurobiology of dysmaturation by MRI at three months of age after HIE would be of major academic interest, could the information also lead to improved outcomes? I suggest that potentially it could lead to improved outcomes, for several reasons. First, neuro- restorative interventions could be instituted with force and direction. Interventions have been discussed in detail elsewhere6,7 and will not be repeated here. In broad terms, the interventions include experiential factors (visual, auditory, pain, stress, early intervention programs, parenting-educational-social factors) and nutritional factors (breast-feeding; quality, source and components of milk, etc.).
Of potentially great importance, but not yet studied in human infants, are manipulations of microglia or astrocytes from a damaging pro-inflammatory to a neuroprotective/pro-repair, pro-development, anti-inflammatory phenotype.37 This approach could minimize dysmaturational effects while restoring the important roles of these glial cells in promoting such normal developmental events as pre-OL development, axonal growth, synaptogenesis and synaptic pruning. In several experimental models, including hypoxic-ischemic injury, such agents as metformin, resveratrol, and pioglitazone have shown benefit for long-term outcomes via promotion of the M2 (anti-inflammatory) microglial phenotype.46-49
A number of other agents show promise in this context. IGF-1 and EPO may have benefit for neuronal and pre-OL development.37 Hyaluronidase inhibitors may be beneficial for pre-OL development.50 A variety of stem cells has been shown beneficial for recovery from experimental stroke and related ischemic brain injuries in neonatal animals.51,52 Intranasal delivery has been effective.53 Exosomes derived from stem cells, also delivered intranasally, are similarly beneficial.54 These issues are discussed in detail elsewhere (see, for examples,37,40,55).
In this relatively brief Commentary, I have suggested (1) an explanation for the relatively disappointing predictive value of MRI in early infancy for prediction of long-term neurological outcome, (2) brain dysmaturation rather than simply tissue loss or atrophy is the principal mechanism for impaired outcomes, (3) highly advanced MRI techniques are capable of, and necessary for, identifying many of the dysmaturational deficits in the first months of life, and (4) early identification of such deficits could lead to both targeted and novel interventions to counteract or prevent such dysmaturation. The principal difficulty is that the needed highly advanced MRI techniques for in vivo detection are not available widely. In my view, carefully designed research that likely will require multiple institutions with the necessary MRI capabilities is needed. Supportive funding obviously is a major issue, and it is beyond the scope of this presentation to suggest the mechanisms. However, I hope that federal and nonfederal sources will accept this challenge.
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital
Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Boston MA
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July, 2024
This Commentary was stimulated by a recent report published in April in Brain.1 The report addresses cerebral cortical growth in very preterm (VPT) and term born (TB) children followed to adolescence and studied by advanced MRI techniques. A major strength of the study is its standing as the first longitudinal study of the same population of VPT and TB individuals from birth to adolescence. The work is notable for insights into normal cortical development in TB infants, disturbances of this development in VPT infants, and the course of these disturbances through childhood and adolescence. The data raise important questions concerning the cellular and mechanistic bases for the cortical disturbances and, critically, concerning the long-term neurological implications for survivors of VPT birth.
Cerebral Cortical Development from Birth to Adolescence in VPT and TB Infants
This unique study (the Victorian Infant Brain Study) concerned infants born between 2001-2004 and included 201 infants born VPT (<30 weeks gestation or <1250 g birth weight) and 66 TB infants. The VPT infants had “no major neonatal brain injuries.” Advanced MRI methodologies allowed assessments of cerebral cortical volume, area and thickness for 62 cortical regions at term, 7 years, and 13 years.
Cerebral Cortical Development in TB Infants
In TB infants, from term to 7 years, developmental changes in 62 cortical regions consisted, generally, of large increases in cortical volume, area and thickness (375%, 147%, and 78%, respectively). However, notably, from 7 years to 13 years, generally only minor increases or slight decreases were found. It is beyond the scope of this Commentary to discuss regional differences in detail, but the general theme of pronounced increases to mid childhood and subsequent stabilization or slight decreases to adolescence is apparent.
The anatomical correlates of these cortical developmental changes are not entirely known, but for the increases during later infancy and early childhood, available data indicate importance for pronounced axonal input to cortex, cortical dendritic development, synaptogenesis, and intracortical (and likely immediate subcortical) myelination.2-6 A detailed study of human parietal cerebrum with markers of axonal growth and elongation (GAP-43) and axonal maturity (Anti-SMI31) indicates rapid axonal growth in white matter during the preterm period, and in cerebral cortex in the first two years of life.2 Presumably this axonal input into cortex leads to activity-dependent development of cortical dendritic arbors.3,7,8 The classic studies of Huttenlocher and Rakic show that this axonal-dendritic development is followed in cortex by synaptogenesis, with an excess of synapses apparent in mid-childhood in multiple cortical areas.9-12 Later in childhood and into adolescence, synapse elimination is active, and this pruning may be important in the plateau (and the modest decline) in cortical volume and thickness observed by MRI by Kelly et al.1 However, anatomical studies show that myelination of the cortical neuropil and subcortical association areas also becomes prominent in late infancy and early childhood and continues beyond adolescence.13-16 This process likely contributes to the increase in both cortical volume and thickness observed by MRI into childhood.1
Cerebral Cortical Development in VPT Infants
As previously described,17,18 at term-equivalent age VPT infants already exhibited abnormalities of cerebral cortical development, especially lower cortical volume and area.1 From 0-7 years, the volume differences between VPT and TB infants became more pronounced, especially in higher-order frontal, temporal and parietal regions. Earlier work by the same group, utilizing a voxel-based (rather than surface-based) approach, had shown that the lower brain volume in VPT infants becomes more exaggerated between ages 0-7 years, particularly in temporal regions.19,20 The current approach, which allowed fractionation of cortical volume, provided the new insight that the increasingly lower volume in temporal regions in the childhood years is related principally to increasingly lower cortical thickness. Accompanying the latter was persistently reduced cortical area. By the age 13 measurements, values in VPT infants for volumes, area and thickness had nearly plateaued and were persistently lower than in TB infants. No evidence of catch-up was apparent, and indeed pronounced differences between VPT and TB cortical regions persisted. These findings may have major implications for longer-term follow-up (see later).
The anatomical correlates and cellular mechanisms underlying the apparent impairment in cortical development in survivors of VPT birth remain to be elucidated. However, a superb earlier study by the same group provides excellent clues.21 Assessing the same cohort as in the current cortical study, Kelly et al. utilized advanced diffusion MRI analyses, i.e., fixel-based analysis (FBA), to evaluate the long-term development of white matter microstructure. The principal findings were that at ages 7 and 13 VPT children, when compared to TB children, exhibited axonal reductions in many white matter fiber tracts and slower axonal growth in several areas. Degenerative axonal changes have been documented in VP infants with cerebral white matter injury,2 and in the study of Kelly et al., white matter abnormalities were modestly associated with the axonal deficits.21 Notably, however, impairments of axonal development and function have been shown to occur with even milder white matter abnormalities, not readily visible by early-life MRI.17 Such impairment is likely related to the principal cellular abnormality in cerebral white matter injury, i.e., impaired pre-oligodendrocyte (pre-OL) differentiation with failure of oligodendroglial ensheathment of axons.17 This failure would be expected to lead to impaired axonal function, and thereby impaired activity-dependent cerebral cortical differentiation, as described in the previous section. Similarly, impaired intracortical myelination, a process that occurs over many years in childhood, adolescence and adulthood,13 would be affected.
The possibility that impaired cortical neuronal development, as delineated in the study of Kelly et al.,1 represents a primary neuronal dysmaturation, rather than a dysmaturation secondary to altered axonal and oligodendroglial-myelin development as just outlined, needs consideration. An excellent clinical study, involving 95 VPT infants studied by diffusion-based MRI at two time points (32 and 40 weeks post-conceptional age), provided evidence for delayed microstructural development of cerebral cortex (in association with impaired somatic growth), but cerebral white matter appeared unaffected.22 Similarly consistent with primary neuronal dysmaturation, two careful experimental studies, utilizing a well characterized fetal sheep model, showed disturbances in cortex, in dendritic development and synapse formation, and in subplate neurons, in dendritic arborization and synaptic activity, four weeks after a hypoxic-ischemic insult.23,24 Available data in the population studied by Kelly et al.1 suggest that such insults were not likely in their population. A later investigation in the same animal model showed that even a brief hypoxic episode led four weeks later to disturbances of basal and apical dendritic arborization of hippocampal CA1 neurons and impaired connectivity.25 (Such brief hypoxic events, common in VPT infants, likely would not have been detected or quantitated in the study of Kelly et al.1) Importantly, in the animal model the neurophysiological correlate of memory formation, a hallmark of hippocampal function, was impaired in hippocampus.25 Notably, disturbances of working memory have been documented in survivors of VPT birth.26
Long-Term Implications of Disturbed Cerebral Cortical Development in VPT Infants
The current study raises the question of the impact of the magnitude and evolution of the cortical structural deficits found by age 13 in VPT infants by Kelly et al.1 on later neurological outcomes. Clearly the latter study will be at the vanguard of this quest. Current information raises interesting and concerning questions.
Impact of Cerebral Cortical Disturbance on Childhood Neurological Outcomes
As noted in the study of Kelly et al.,1 alterations in frontal and temporal regions are prominent in the VPT infants at childhood age. Previous work has shown that morphological alterations in these regions in VPT children are associated with lower IQ and deficits in language and executive function.27-29 Notably, the hippocampus, an important component of temporal cortex, has been shown to be smaller, straighter and with less infolding in adolescents and young adults after VPT birth.29-31 The findings were related to memory deficits.
Impact of Cerebral Cortical Disturbance on Adult Neurological Outcomes
The possible relation of the cortical disturbances in survivors of VPT birth, especially involving temporal cortex, to still later neurological outcomes should be considered. Thus, Heinonen et al.32 studied 919 Finnish men and women born between 1934 and 1944 as late preterms (34 to 36-6/7 weeks gestational age) and evaluated at 68.1 years of age. Among those who had attained a basic or upper secondary education, late preterm birth was associated with lower scores on multiple cognitive sub-tests and a 2.70 times higher risk of mild cognitive impairment. Among those with tertiary levels of education, late preterm birth was not associated with such deficits. The authors concluded that late preterm birth should be added as “a novel risk factor to the list of neurocognitive impairment in late adulthood.” They also raise the possibility that “lifetime education may mitigate aging-related neurocognitive impairment among those born late preterm.” Although a number of questions could be raised about the study, the findings are noteworthy.
A later MRI study33 of 260 VPT and 229 TB individuals at age 26 years showed MRI features of increased “brain age” in the VPT individuals. Details are beyond the scope of this Commentary, but the morphological difference is interesting. Additionally noteworthy, in older individuals a relationship between increased brain age and dementia has been observed. One potential importance of this observation in this context is that aggregation of tau protein in neurons, a key feature in Alzheimer’s disease, begins in peripheral dendrites and thereby might reach the cell body more rapidly in underdeveloped dendrites, as described earlier in the studies of VPT infants.33
Consistent with these reports, a study of 70 VPT and 67 TB adults identified aberrant connectivity between thalamus and temporal and prefrontal cortices.34 Impairments in verbal cognitive abilities were also observed in the PT adults.
Another study focused on the claustrum, a structure critical in a variety of cognitive functions, in 70 VPT adults and 87 TB adults and found increased diffusivity in the former individuals. Reduced IQ also was observed in the VPT adults.35
Finally, a large literature has focused on the potential relationship between early life stresses and risk of Alzheimer’s disease (see, for review,36). VPT birth is not discussed separately, but many of the “stresses” considered important are characteristic of the premature period and subsequent infancy-childhood. Of particular note, as noted earlier, the cortical areas particularly characterized by aberrant development in VPT infants, children and adolescents, i.e., temporal cortex, hippocampus, are the areas initially and particularly affected by the neuropathology of Alzheimer’s dementia.
Potentially Additive or Potentiating Factors in Long-Term Neurological Outcome in VPT Infants
Although the previous sections have emphasized the long-term implications of the disturbances in cerebral cortical development in VPT children and adolescents, certain non-neurological factors may enhance the possibility of subsequent impairments in neurological outcome. These factors concern cardiac function and cerebrovascular disease. A recent review has focused on factors associated with preterm birth, such as reduced cardiac reserve, smaller left and right ventricular volumes, decreased vascularity, increased vascular stiffness and higher pressure of both the pulmonary and systemic vasculatures.37 In a nationwide Swedish study that included 73,489 adults who were born <37 weeks gestation,38 among those born before 32 weeks gestation, a nearly two-fold increased risk of cerebrovascular disease was observed compared to TB individuals. In a more recent report, also from Sweden, among individuals at ages 18-43 years, when compared with TB infants, the adjusted hazard ratio for stroke associated with preterm birth (<37 weeks gestation) was 1.26 (95% C.I., 1.12-1.43, P<0.001) and when further stratified, was 1.42 (1.11-1.85, P=0.005) for early preterm (22-33 weeks) and 1.22 (1.06-1.40, P=0.004) for late preterm (34-36 weeks).39
The recent report of Kelly et al.1 establishes broad and important points concerning cerebral cortical development in survivors of VPT birth. First, relative to TB infants, cortical development is abnormal, not only at term (as previously reported many times), but progressively so subsequently, at least into late childhood and adolescence, and perhaps beyond. Second, the cellular mechanisms underlying the apparent progression of dysmaturation, although not fully known, appear to reflect a cascade of developmental disturbances, with abnormalities of white matter axons and immature oligodendrocytes likely important at the onset. Additionally, data from other studies suggest that the cortical dysmaturational events may render the brain of the VPT infant more susceptible to later neurodegenerative disorders. Finally, abnormalities of cerebrovascular development may aggravate or render the VPT brain vulnerable to later degenerative or destructive effects.
How to prevent or ameliorate this cascade of dysmaturation and disability? It is beyond the scope of this Commentary to address this key question. However, the potential for beneficial intervention is great, especially in early childhood years, before pronounced deficits are established. For lack of a better word, I have termed these “neurorestorative interventions.”17 Many can be established readily in the neonatal period, such as minimization of pain and stress, provision of optimal nutrition (breast feeding, optimal quality and source of milk, etc.), attention to experiential factors (relating to auditory, verbal and visual input), parenting, family-based interventions, socioeconomic factors and later, educational opportunities.29
Finally, in view of the life-long course of neurologic and related challenges, interventions need to be continued through adult years. With the increasing recognition of the importance of lifestyle changes and perhaps specific drugs to prevent later neurodegenerative disorders,40,41 caregivers beyond the neonatal and pediatric years should be made aware of the long-term challenges potentially faced by survivors of preterm birth. In my view, it behooves those of us who focus on newborn brain disease to alert pediatricians and later caregivers concerning the potential health hazards that survivors of VPT birth may face.
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital
Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Boston MA
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- Crump C, Sundquist J, Sundquist K: Stroke Risks in Adult Survivors of Preterm Birth: National Cohort and Cosibling Study. Stroke 52:2609-17, 2021. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.033797
- Gonzalez-Madrid A, Calfio C, Gonzalez A, et al.: Toward Prevention and Reduction of Alzheimer’s Disease. J Alzheimers Dis 96:439-57, 2023. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-230454
- Sperling RA, Donohue MC, Raman R, et al.: Trial of Solanezumab in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease. N Engl J Med 389:1096-107, 2023. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2305032
May, 2024
This Commentary was stimulated by a recent report in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, entitled “Music impacts brain cortical microstructural maturation in very preterm infants: A longitudinal diffusion MR imaging study.”1 The work provides important insight into (a) normal development of the brain in the very preterm infant from 33 to 40 weeks postconceptional age, and (b) the effect of a music intervention during that period on this development. The findings suggest particular value for music exposure in very preterm infants. Although this Commentary focuses on the current report, the study is the most recent of a superb series from the same group focused on the effect of a music intervention in very preterm infants on subsequent structural and functional (connectivity) brain development and behavioral outcomes.2-5
Music Intervention—Study Design
The sample of very preterm infants (mean gestational age 29 weeks) with no overt brain lesions was allocated randomly to a control group (n=19) (no music intervention) or a music intervention group (n=21). MRI (3.0T scanner) was performed during the 33rd week gestational age (GA) and at term equivalent age (TEA). The MRI assessments involved advanced diffusion-based methodologies, i.e., fixel-based analysis (FBA) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imagery (NODDI). FBA provides insight into micro- and macrostructural changes, including such measures as fiber cross-section (FC) and fiber density (FD). NODDI provides microstructural information and, as the name implies, data relevant to neurite density and orientation dispersion.1
The music intervention was carried out two times a day from 33 weeks GA to TEA. The infants were exposed to the music through headphones. (Infants in the no music intervention group were exposed similarly to headphones.) The music was composed of “a calming background, bells, harp, and punji (charming snake flute) interactively creating a melody” of 8 minutes duration. Three different music tracks were available for use, and the track utilized for each exposure was chosen “by the nurse according to the state of wakefulness of the child (waking up, falling asleep, being alert).”1 More detailed assessment of sleep state was not carried out.
The large corpus of data obtained in this report is reviewed best according to insights into brain development during the study period and the effects of the music intervention on this development. To maintain the relative brevity of the Commentary, I will review each of these concisely next.
Brain Developmental Changes
The advanced MRI measures provided important insight into normal development of multiple structures from the 33rd week GA to TEA. For the sake of convenience, I will divide the structures broadly into cerebral white matter and cerebral cortical gray matter. The imaging features will be correlated with current structural concepts based on direct anatomical studies, the gold standard for assessments of brain development.
Cerebral White Matter
In cerebral white matter, from the 33rd week GA to TEA, prominent increases in FC and FD were observed and are likely indicative of increases in axonal fiber organization, fiber bundle cross-section, axonal coherence and axonal number.1 These indicators of axonal growth and development are consistent with anatomical studies, including studies utilizing GAP-43, a marker of growing axons, and other markers.6-10 Thus, Haynes et al.10 showed abundant expression of GAP-43 in cerebral white matter during this period, as well as expression in cortex, presumably marking the influx of growing axons into overlying cortex at this time.
The major white matter fibers defined by Sa de Almeida et al. included thalamic, commissural, association, and projection fibers.1 From 33 weeks GA to TEA, the increase in FC and FD observed in thalamic regions is likely a correlate of the well-established growth and elaboration of thalamo-cortical axons7,8,11 occurring particularly in cerebral white matter during this period, as the subplate layer gradually decreases. Also at this time, anatomical studies demonstrate that commissural (callosal), commissural-cortical and corticocortical (association fibers) axons depart the transient subplate and enter cerebral cortex.7,8 Finally, the finding that the most pronounced increases in FD and FC involve central projection fibers (e.g., corona radiata) is consistent with the later myelination order of Kinney (see later) of projection fibers before association fibers.12,13
As will be discussed later, it is possible that the onset of axonal ensheathment by pre-myelinating oligodendrocytes (OLs) accounts for some of the MRI findings. The O4+, O1+ immature OLs that begin this ensheathment are abundant in cerebral white matter as term approaches.14 Indeed, MBP staining of myelin sheaths was demonstrated in periventricular white matter by Back et al.14 as early as 30 weeks GA. However, microscopic myelin, stained by conventional markers (e.g., Luxol Fast Blue), is not detected in cerebral white matter tracts until many weeks or months post-term.12,15 Exceptions to this statement are the central corona radiata and the posterior limb of the internal capsule.
Cerebral Cortical Gray Matter
Important developmental changes were identified by MRI in cortical gray matter.1 FC increased, as it did in white matter, but FD decreased. The findings are most consistent with a decline in the “simple” radial orientation of earlier cortex (created by radially orientated neurons with limited dendritic arbors, and to a lesser extent, by radial glia) and an increase in complexity related to dendritic growth and arborization, influx of axonal ramifications, loss of radial glial fibers with conversion to astrocytes, among other events.7 The findings are reminiscent of the decrease in fractional anisotropy previously shown by DTI.16 The NODDI findings support and expand the conclusion that the changes likely are related to dendritic arborization and disruption of the radial glia scaffold.1 Taken together, the two MRI approaches, FBA and NODDI, provided considerable insight into cortical development from 33-40 weeks GA.
Additionally, Sa de Almeida et al. also consider the cortical gray matter changes as indicative of “intra-cortical myelination” (italics mine).1 This conclusion is the only one in this fine study that I consider problematic. Thus, exhaustive studies of myelination in the human fetus and term infant do not show intracortical myelin at 40 weeks post-conceptional age and overall indicate that myelination within cortex occurs principally over the ensuing months and years post-term.12,17 However, such traditional myelin stains require 7-10 lamellae for detection.13,15,17,18 It could be argued that the MRI data might reflect early ensheathment of axons in cortex by O4+, O1+ immature (pre-myelinating) OLs (which would not stain with traditional myelin stains). Although these cells constitute 50% of the oligodendroglial lineage in periventricular white matter at TEA, they are not present, at least in parietal cortex, at this time.14,19 Thus, sufficient ensheathment by immature Ols to be detected by the myelin stains used by Kinney et al.12,13 and Yakovlev and Lecours17 would not be expected. Moreover, as noted earlier, the sensitive means of detection of myelin, i.e., MBP staining, shows such staining in periventricular white matter and, to a lesser extent, more superficial white matter in human cerebrum at TEA,14 but not in parietal or frontal cortex. Perhaps part of the difficulty in interpreting “myelin” indicators by diffusion-based MRI relates to the very shallow depth of cortex at this time (i.e., only approximately 1.5 mm).20 Is it possible that the MRI findings in the study of Sa de Almeida et al.1 are related to early ensheathment of axons in subcortical association fibers? However, again, I am unaware of clear anatomical evidence for such an occurrence. Thus, at present, the conclusion that “intracortical myelination” was enhanced does not seem plausible to me. This conclusion does not detract from the predominance of new and important findings in this report.
Effects of Early Music Intervention from 33 weeks GA on Brain Maturation Assessed at TEA
The sophisticated MRI assessments at TEA indicate that the music intervention leads to enhanced maturation of both white matter and gray matter structures. Thus, this study and previous work from this group showed enhanced development of several white matter tracts2 consistent with enhanced axonal growth/organization, and, potentially, oligodendroglial differentiation. This finding is consistent with the well-established relation between axonal activity and oligodendroglial differentiation.6,21 These findings likely underlie, at least in part, the enhanced functional connectivity previously shown with the music intervention.3
The current study indicates that the music intervention also enhanced the maturation of several cortical gray matter regions, especially those involved in auditory, cognitive and socio-emotional processing.1 Coupled with the findings from the NODDI data, the data are consistent with increased dendritic arborization and remodeling of axonal connections leading to enhancement of the overall complexity of the cortical neuropil. Sa de Almeida et al.1 use the term cortical “complexification.” As just noted, the cortical changes are especially apparent in regions (e.g., insulo-orbito-temporopolar complex) which have been related to later socio-emotional deficits commonly observed in follow-up of very preterm infants.1 Notably, earlier work from this group showed that a music intervention during the NICU period was associated with improved “fear-reactivity scores at 12 months and anger-reactivity scores at 24 months,” suggesting a beneficial effect on later socio-emotional development.5
Also relevant to the enhancement of insular-orbito-temporal connections in these preterm infants are earlier findings in adults that music listening has been shown to activate these cortical regions,22 that auditory cortex is functionally connected to these regions when musical stimuli elicit emotions,1,23 and that music training may lead to re-organization of insular-based networks, potentially enhancing high-level and cognitive and affection functions.1,24 If these beneficial effects could be produced in the developing cerebrum of the preterm infant, the benefits would be appreciable.
Taken together, the role of music intervention in the context of the preterm NICU stay could be substantial over the longer term. Thus, subsequent work assessing the effect of music intervention on a broad range of later neurodevelopmental parameters will be of great interest.
The current work, showing the impact of a music intervention on parameters of cerebral white and gray matter development, sets the stage for future studies assessing a broad range of potential functional effects. The intervention is not complex and should be readily adaptable to current NICUs. As with any intervention in the NICU, however, careful attention to the timing of the activity is important. Disturbance of beneficial sleep states25 would not be desirable. Nonetheless, my view is that the findings are of exceptional interest and could lead to an effective, readily applied neonatal intervention. Future work from this superb group will be of great interest.
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital
Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Boston MA
- Sa de Almeida J, Baud O, Fau S, et al.: Music impacts brain cortical microstructural maturation in very preterm infants: A longitudinal diffusion MR imaging study. Dev Cogn Neurosci 61:101254, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.dcn.2023.101254
- Sa de Almeida J, Lordier L, Zollinger B, et al.: Music enhances structural maturation of emotional processing neural pathways in very preterm infants. Neuroimage 207:116391, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116391
- Lordier L, Meskaldji DE, Grouiller F, et al.: Music in premature infants enhances high-level cognitive brain networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116:12103-8, 2019. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1817536116
- Filippa M, Lordier L, Sa de Almeida J, et al.: Early vocal contact and music in the NICU: new insights into preventive interventions. Pediatr Res 87:249-64, 2020. DOI: 10.1038/s41390-019-0490-9
- Lejeune F, Lordier L, Pittet MP, et al.: Effects of an Early Postnatal Music Intervention on Cognitive and Emotional Development in Preterm Children at 12 and 24 Months: Preliminary Findings. Front Psychol 10:494, 2019. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00494
- Haynes RL, Kinney HC, Volpe JJ. Organizational events. Chapter 7. In: Volpe JJ, Inder TE, Darras BT, De Vries LS, du Plessis AJ, Ferriero DM, Perlman JM, editors. Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn. 7th ed. Philadelphia PA: Elsevier; in press.
- Volpe JJ: Dysmaturation of Premature Brain: Importance, Cellular Mechanisms, and Potential Interventions. Pediatr Neurol 95:42-66, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2019.02.016
- Kostovic I, Jovanov-Milosevic N: The development of cerebral connections during the first 20-45 weeks’ gestation. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 11:415-22, 2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.siny.2006.07.001
- Kostovic I, Jovanov-Milosevic N, Rados M, et al.: Perinatal and early postnatal reorganization of the subplate and related cellular compartments in the human cerebral wall as revealed by histological and MRI approaches. Brain Struct Funct 219:231-53, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s00429-012-0496-0
- Haynes RL, Borenstein NS, Desilva TM, et al.: Axonal development in the cerebral white matter of the human fetus and infant. J Comp Neurol 484:156-67, 2005. DOI: 10.1002/cne.20453
- Kostovic I, Judas M: The development of the subplate and thalamocortical connections in the human foetal brain. Acta Paediatr 99:1119-27, 2010. DOI: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2010.01811.x
- Kinney HC, Brody BA, Kloman AS, Gilles FH: Sequence of central nervous system myelination in human infancy. II. Patterns of myelination in autopsied infants. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 47:217-34, 1988. DOI: 10.1097/00005072-198805000-00003
- Kinney HC, Volpe JJ. Myelination events. Chapter 8. In: Volpe JJ, inder TE, Darras BT, de Vries LS, du Plessis AJ, Neil JJ, Perlman JM, editors. Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn. 6th ed. Philadelphia PA: Elsevier; 2018. p. 176-88.
- Back SA, Luo NL, Borenstein NS, et al.: Late oligodendrocyte progenitors coincide with the developmental window of vulnerability for human perinatal white matter injury. J Neurosci 21:1302-12, 2001. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.21-04-01302.2001
- Brody BA, Kinney HC, Kloman AS, Gilles FH: Sequence of central nervous system myelination in human infancy. I. An autopsy study of myelination. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 46:283-301, 1987. DOI: 10.1097/00005072-198705000-00005
- Neil JJ, Volpe JJ. Specialized neurological studies. Chapter 10. In: Volpe JJ, Inder TE, Darras BT, de Vries LS, du Plessis AJ, Neil JJ, Perlman JM, editors. Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn. 6th ed. Philadelphia PA: Elsevier; 2015. p. 222-54.
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- Haynes RL, Kinney HC, Volpe JJ. Myelination events. Chapter 8. In: Volpe JJ, Inder TE, Darras BT, De Vries LS, du Plessis AJ, Ferriero DM, Perlman JM, editors. Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn. 7th ed. Philadelphia PA: Elsevier; in press.
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- Gibson EM, Purger D, Mount CW, et al.: Neuronal activity promotes oligodendrogenesis and adaptive myelination in the mammalian brain. Science 344:1252304, 2014. DOI: 10.1126/science.1252304
- Koelsch S: Brain correlates of music-evoked emotions. Nat Rev Neurosci 15:170-80, 2014. DOI: 10.1038/nrn3666
- Koelsch S, Skouras S, Lohmann G: The auditory cortex hosts network nodes influential for emotion processing: An fMRI study on music-evoked fear and joy. PLoS One 13:e0190057, 2018. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190057
- Zamorano AM, Cifre I, Montoya P, et al.: Insula-based networks in professional musicians: Evidence for increased functional connectivity during resting state fMRI. Hum Brain Mapp 38:4834-49, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23682
- Volpe JJ. Preterm Infants Need their Sleep, Especially Active (REM) Sleep. Volpe’s View [Internet]. March 2024. Available from: newbornbrainsociety.org.
March, 2024
A recent report1 from a distinguished group in the field of sleep in infancy concludes that active sleep is related beneficially to cerebral white matter development in preterm infants. The findings suggest potential value of incorporating sleep monitoring into routine caregiving practices in NICU settings (see later). Recall that in the neonatal period sleep is divided generally into two main periods, quiet sleep, a precursor to non-rapid eye movement sleep, and active sleep, a precursor to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.2 In general, preterm infants, when uninterrupted, spend approximately 80-90% of the time asleep (see later), and the majority of this time is in active sleep.3
Sleep and Brain Development—Animal Studies
The possibility that altered sleep behaviors in infants could be related to impaired brain development has been raised by a variety of animal studies.3-6 In particular, deprivation of active sleep during development has been followed by smaller brain size, reduced brain growth and subsequent alterations of brain function. At the microstructural level, depending on the model, active sleep has been associated with synaptogenesis, maintenance of dendritic spines, and strengthening of synapses.3 At the electrophysiological level, REM sleep in early development has been associated with a number of effects indicative of functional maturation of neural circuits. As summarized by Knoop et al., “During early maturation REM sleep seems to provide the stimulation needed for preliminary development and survival of sensorimotor neural networks. It does this by driving the generation of endogenous, intense and generalized neural activity across sensorimotor systems.”3 This phenomenon is reminiscent of activity-dependent differentiation of neuronal circuits in a variety of sensory systems during brain development.7 (Although beyond the scope of this discussion, animal studies support the notion that non-REM sleep is more important for regulating synaptic homeostasis and later brain maturation.2)
Several concerns could be raised about the animal studies. First, the models generally involved animals that are more mature than human infants.4,5,8 Additionally, experimental paradigms often decreased active sleep by pharmacological methods and did not control for such factors as stress (as in experiments utilizing ocular deprivation). Moreover, study of brain maturation in the animal models has often not been sufficiently detailed, especially at the regional and cellular levels. Nevertheless, the findings are compelling.
Sleep and Brain Development—Human Studies
The few relevant studies in human preterm infants have been of interest but have been limited by methodological challenges. Several reports describe an association of decreased active sleep during the preterm or term period to later cognitive impairments.9-12 Correlation with imaging markers of brain development was not reported. Moreover, the most prevalent methodologies utilized for sleep assessment, i.e., behavioral observation or polysomnography, limit daily sleep assessments to only a few minutes to hours.13,14
Current Study
Study Design. The study that stimulated this Commentary is entitled: “Machine learning-derived active sleep as an early predictor of white matter development in preterm infants,” by Wang et al., and as noted earlier, was published in the Journal of Neuroscience (January 2024). (The senior author, Jeroen Dudink, is a well-established leader in the field.) Stimulated by the experimental and human studies reviewed earlier, this study “aimed to determine the potential of sleep as an early predictor for subsequent white matter development in preterm infants.” To overcome the deficiencies of conventional sleep studies, after an initial study of infants for multiple consecutive hours by visual sleep scoring by trained sleep observers, the group was able to utilize heart and respiratory rates as routinely monitored in the NICU to develop a machine learning-based automated sleep stage classifier. This automated classifier subsequently was applied to a cohort of 58 preterm infants to extract sleep percentage over 5-7 consecutive days from 29-32 weeks of postmenstrual age. Excluded from the cohort were infants with major congenital malformations and such overt brain injury as grade III IVH or cystic periventricular leukomalacia. Also excluded were infants on mechanical ventilation. The study infants then had an MRI scan at term equivalent age on a clinical 3-Tesla scanner to assess volumetric tissue segmentation.
Principal Finding. The results were very interesting. The infants spent most of their time asleep (mean percentage of 90% per 24 hours), and on average, time in active sleep and in quiet sleep were approximately equal.1 Notably, higher active sleep percentage was significantly associated with larger white matter volume at term after adjusting for potential confounding covariates (standardized regression coefficient, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.09, 0.53; adjusted P-value 0.021).
Data Implications. The data raise the critical question concerning the basis for increased cerebral white matter volume in the infants with higher active sleep percentages. Cerebral white matter volume during the last 10 weeks of brain development in the premature infant increases nearly 80%, and approximately 80% of this increase is unmyelinated white matter.15,16 The latter is composed principally of rapidly developing axons and premyelinating oligodendrocytes. Indeed, the period of observation of the sleep parameters in the study of Wang et al.,1 29 to 32 weeks postmenstrual age, is the time of onset of ensheathment of developing axons by immature oligodendrocytes in human cerebral white matter.17 This ensheathment is important for the subsequent development of the abundant growing axons in cerebral white matter at this time.7 In turn, the resulting axonal activity stimulates the further development of these ensheathing immature oligodendroglia.18 Analysis of developing cerebral white matter during this period with GAP-43, a marker of growing axons, shows marked expression in the third trimester.19,20 Anatomical studies have elucidated the details of thalamacortical, commissural cortical and cortico-cerebral axonal development during this period.7,21,22 Similarly, state-of-the-art diffusion-based MRI study of human fetal brain in utero shows changes consistent with exuberant axonal development during the last trimester of gestation, although the regional changes vary in magnitude and timing.23
Notably, during the developmental period just described, accompanying these changes in cerebral white matter are increases in cerebral cortical surface area and gyrification.24 Anatomical and diffusion MRI studies are indicative of marked cortical dendritic and synaptic development also during this time.7 Additionally, functional MRI studies show the onset of cortical neuronal activation and connectivity after visual, auditory and somatosensory stimulation at this time.25 Assessment of these individual events in future studies of the role of active sleep in premature infants in subsequent brain development will be of great interest.
Which of the developmental processes just reviewed could underlie the increase in cerebral white matter volume related to time in active sleep in the study of Wang et al.?1 Based on the likelihood that the increase in cerebral white matter volume during the 30-40 week gestational period is related largely to axonal development, an important possibility is that active sleep in some way leads to enhanced axonal development. One critical driving force for axonal development during this period from 30-40 weeks is the development of synaptic connections in cerebral cortex by terminals of axons coursing through cerebral white matter from thalamus, subplate, and other cortical sites via commissural-cortical and cortico-cortical connections (see earlier). These events are especially prominent in the period from 30-40 weeks’ gestation.7 Studies in animal models (see earlier) indicate that active sleep is important in synaptic development and maintenance. Taken together, the findings suggest that cerebral white matter volume may increase with active sleep because of an increase in axonal development stimulated in an activity-dependent manner by the synaptic effects of this sleep state. As noted earlier, the period of the study, 29-32 weeks postmenstrual age, is the onset of pre-oligodendroglial ensheathment of axons, a process critical for axonal function.7 Future studies of cerebral connectivity in the context of active sleep will be important.
Clinical Implications
The authors of the interesting report by Wang et al.1 conclude that the discovery of a positive association between the percentage of machine learning-derived active sleep during the preterm period and white matter volume at term-equivalent age: (1) “provides new insights into the role of active sleep in early human brain development, confirming and extending findings from animal research,” and (2) “further indicates the potential benefit of integrating automated sleep monitoring into routine caregiving practices in NICU settings.”1 I agree with both of these conclusions.
Concerning caregiving practices, a review of studies assessing interventions to promote “sleep” in NICU settings identified fourteen, of which 10 were RCT.26 Approaches studied include kangaroo care, gentle human touch, different sleep surfaces, sound, cycled light, and LED light. None of the studies showed marked benefit, although methodological concerns, including the means of assessment of sleep state, render comparisons difficult. One study utilizing an instrument that creates a sound effect similar to the sound of moving fluids did show an increase in time spent in active sleep.27 The authors of this review concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend any new intervention to promote neonatal sleep in the NICU.26 However, with the recent work of Wang et al.1 an important breakthrough may be apparent. Automated sleep monitoring in the NICU could allow caregivers to carry out various daily interventions in such a way as to safeguard active sleep and, presumably, to promote growth of cerebral white matter and the likely anatomical correlates describe earlier.
Currently, rational changes in caregiving would be difficult if sleep assessment is carried out by observation by individuals not highly trained in such assessment. REM sleep in the premature infant often can be difficult to detect because of its close resemblance to an awake state, a resemblance that results from the spontaneous activity generated during the sleep state (Jereon Dudink, personal communication). Thus, as communicated to me by Dr. Dudink, caretakers “will more likely disturb the infants during this sleep state than during quiet sleep. … Our extended monitoring indicates that sleep is disrupted many times in an NICU and that in a less intrusive environment, the duration of active sleep in preterm infants increases, underscoring the profound impact of the NICU setting on their sleep architecture.” Thus, the value for the continuous assessment of sleep state afforded by the approach described by Wang et al.1 is particularly apparent.
A final caveat—it should be noted that the role of non-REM sleep during the preterm period in promoting brain development is unclear. Available data suggest that non-REM sleep is related more to later brain development, rather than to that occurring during the NICU period for preterm infants.3 More research is needed on the issue of non-REM sleep in preterm infants and brain development.
The methodological advances concerning sleep monitoring and the correlation with enhanced cerebral white matter development, as shown by MRI described here,1 could lead to caregiving practices that enhance specific sleep behavior in the preterm infant, promote cerebral white matter development, and perhaps most importantly, improve neurological outcome. My view is that such improved sleep management, carefully devised, could prove to be a safe, readily applied, and beneficial management approach. Future research that includes assessment of cerebral cortical and white matter microstructure by advanced diffusion-based MRI methods28,29 and of subsequent neurodevelopmental outcomes will be of particular interest.
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital
Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Boston MA
- Wang X, de Groot ER, Tataranno ML, et al.: Machine Learning-Derived Active Sleep as an Early Predictor of White Matter Development in Preterm Infants. J Neurosci 44, 2024. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1024-23.2023
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- Haynes RL, Volpe JJ. Organizational events. Chapter 7. In: Volpe JJ, Inder TE, Darras BT, De Vries LS, du Plessis AJ, Ferriero DM, Perlman JM, editors. Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn. 7th ed. Philadelphia PA: Elsevier; in press.
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January, 2024
The recently reported studies1-3 derived from the High-Dose Erythropoietin (EPO) For Asphyxia and Encephalopathy (HEAL) study raise two important questions relevant to timing. The first of these questions concerns the time of occurrence of the hypoxic-ischemic injury leading to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), and the second, the optimal duration of treatment with EPO in the context of HIE. The HEAL study was a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial involving 501 infants born at gestational ages of 36 weeks or more with moderate or severe HIE, to receive EPO or placebo in conjunction with standard therapeutic hypothermia (begun within 6 hours after birth and continued for 72 hours). EPO was administered before 26 hours of age and at 2, 3, 4 and 7 days of age. The primary outcome was death or neurodevelopmental impairment of any severity at 22 to 36 months of age. The incidence of death or neurodevelopmental impairment was similar in both groups (52% in the EPO group, 49% in the Placebo group).
Time of Occurrence of Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury
Concerning the time of occurrence of the hypoxic-ischemic insults leading to HIE, in the HEAL study MRI findings at a median age of approximately 5 days (4.9 days) were interpreted to indicate that brain injury was “acute only” in 23%, “subacute only” in 22%, and “acute and subacute” in 21% (chronic injury was identified in only 2%).3 Acute lesions were defined as foci of restricted diffusion (i.e., reduced ADC) with or without corresponding signal abnormalities on T1w and T2w MRI. Subacute lesions were defined as signal abnormalities on T1w and/or T2w MRI without corresponding diffusion restriction. Acute and subacute lesions were defined by MRI features of both types. The surprising finding of subacute injury in 43% of infants deserves further consideration.
The relatively high proportion of subacute injury reported in the HEAL study should be viewed in the context of (a) previous neuropathological data and (b) the MRI findings utilized to conclude injury was subacute. In general, my view is that the gold standard for assessment of timing of neonatal injury is the neuropathology, although in this era of rare postmortem studies, we must rely on less direct measures of pathology, such as neuroimaging.
Concerning neuropathological data, in the largest reported series of infants with HIE studied postmortem, all 45 infants showed cellular evidence of acutely evolving lesions thought to be of “hypoxic-ischemic origin.”4 (The principal neuronal changes following an acute, injurious, hypoxic-ischemic insult are, after 24 to 36 hours, marked eosinophilia of neuronal cytoplasm [“red dead neuron”], condensation [pyknosis] or fragmentation [karyorrhexis] of nuclei and cellular edema, followed in the next 72 hours by the appearance of macrophages/activated microglia and still later by hypertrophic astrocytes.5) In a later series, utilizing staining for different stages of activated microglia/macrophages, a similar preponderance of acute injury was observed (only two of 23 cases showed changes consistent with onset of the hypoxic-ischemic event “2-3 days before birth”).6
Concerning the MRI data to identify “subacute” injury in the HEAL study, diffusion measures were of central importance.3 MRI was performed at a median age of 4.9 days. Acute injury was determined by the MRI findings noted earlier. Previous work by Bednarek et al. in their landmark study of the time course of diffusion changes in HIE had shown that in infants with HIE treated with hypothermia, “pseudonormalization” occurs by approximately 10 days,7 as opposed to normothermic infants with HIE in whom pseudonormalization occurs by approximately 6 days.8 Utilizing data for hypothermic infants, as noted earlier, Wisnowski et al. found overall that in the HEAL population 23% exhibited only acute, 22% only subacute, and 21% both acute and subacute injuries.3 However, considering only the subacute injuries, it is noteworthy that of the 93 examples 83 had moderate HIE and only 10, severe HIE. This preponderance of moderate HIE in the subacute group may be important, because as reported by Bednarek et al.7, at five days of age, the differences between the mean diffusivity (MD) ratio of 1.0 (“pseudonormalization”) and the values obtained in the moderate HIE group are relatively small (see Fig. 2B in Bednarek et al.).7 The small differences raise the possibility that “subacute” injury in the HEAL study could be overestimated. Confirmation of the MRI findings reported by Wisnowski et al.3, especially in infants with moderate HIE, will be important.
Concerning the implications of “subacute injury” for timing of the injurious hypoxic-ischemic insult(s) operative in the infants with HIE, Wisnowski et al.3 “speculate that the onset of injury was likely incurred days before birth.” Although I remain uncertain about the magnitude of subacute injury in HIE, the data raise the question of what role placental factors might play in pathogenesis of such injury. In the HEAL study, a complete placental pathological examination was available for 321 of the 500 participants (64%).1 Acute abnormalities were noted in 20%, chronic abnormalities in 21%, and both acute and chronic abnormalities in 43%. Thus, fully 84% of placentas exhibited abnormalities. Lesions considered high risk were observed in 21% of placentas, and most of these were chronic abnormalities, such as maternal vascular malperfusion, fetal vascular malperfusion, and chronic villitis. Similar lesions have been reported in smaller series of HIE.9-13 Although histological chorioamnionitis was relatively common (39%), only 2% were accompanied by a high-grade fetal inflammatory response and therefore considered high risk.
The prominence of chronic placental abnormalities in the HEAL population is notable, particularly because such disturbances may prime the brain to sustain hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in the peripartum period.12,14 It is noteworthy, in this regard, that the frequency of high-risk chronic abnormalities (approximately 20%) is similar to the frequency of “subacute injury” (22%) defined by the MRI studies discussed earlier.3 It would be of great interest if an analysis of the relations between specific placental findings and MRI analyses could be carried out in individual patients in the HEAL population.
Also consistent with the notion that placental factors can be important in pathogenesis of some cases of HIE and, thereby, the response to postnatal EPO is the result of an earlier EPO trial by Wu and colleagues.13 In those cases with available placental pathology reports (n=35), EPO was associated with less brain injury than in nontreated infants only in those whose placentas exhibited no chronic histologic abnormalities.13 Thus, it is possible that in the EPO-unresponsive infants overt placental disturbance led to the hypoxic-ischemic brain injury that occurred prior to the onset of EPO therapy or that was set in motion prior to the onset of EPO therapy. More data are needed concerning placental structure and physiology in pregnancy, especially in relation to neonatal HIE. Recent advances in the application of sophisticated MRI methods for such study suggest that important insights may be gained in vivo in the near future.15,16
Timing of Treatment with EPO
The second question relating to timing from the results of the HEAL study concerns the duration of treatment with EPO. Is seven days of treatment sufficient to determine whether EPO has benefit for management of HIE? The study’s conclusion is that this duration of treatment does not lead to clear benefit re: death or neurodevelopmental impairment at 22 to 36 months of age. Should this well-designed, large study be the final word on any value of EPO in management of infants with HIE? This issue, including the risk/benefits of longer treatment, is addressed carefully by Wu et al. in the Discussion section of the article in the New England Journal of Medicine describing the trial.2 (In addition to the apparent lack of benefit on outcomes, the mean number of serious adverse effects per child was higher in the EPO group than in the placebo group.) In experimental models, EPO is well-established to have benefit in neuroprotection in primary, latent, and secondary phases of hypoxic-ischemic injury occurring over the first several days after the insult.17 This neuroprotection includes antiexcitotoxic, antioxidant, and antiapoptotic effects (among others).18 Many of these beneficial effects of EPO are shared by hypothermia, and as suggested by Wisnowski et al.3, it is possible that a substantial proportion of hypoxic-ischemic lesions are treated successfully by hypothermia, thereby shifting the distribution of residual lesions apparent after hypothermia to include a higher proportion of less responsive lesions.
Of greatest importance in this context, however, EPO has been shown in experimental models to have important neurorestorative effects and, critically, such beneficial effects can be demonstrated with delayed EPO treatment. The neurorestorative potential of EPO in developing animals subjected to hypoxia-ischemia (stroke model) was shown initially by Gonzalez et al.19,20 Treatment was begun in the days following the production of stroke. The mechanisms of benefit included stimulation of neurogenesis and diminution of reactive astrocytosis. Subsequent work with the stroke model, which included immediate and delayed EPO treatment, showed enhanced neurogenesis and oligodendrogliosis. Other studies in hypoxic-ischemic models in developing animals have shown that EPO leads to decreased microglial activation, diminished oligodendroglial injury, and improved myelination.21 Beneficial effects on angiogenesis have also been shown. The first demonstration of the benefit of only delayed EPO therapy involved a stroke model (P10 rats), in which EPO therapy was instituted at P17, P20 and P23, a long delay when comparing rat and human brain development.22 In neonatal brain injury, neuronal development, axonal outgrowth, and oligodendroglial development can be impaired by the prolonged action of reactive astrocytes and activated microglia.23 At least in experimental models, EPO appears to have the potential to interrupt these effects when administered long-term, after the acute periods of injury. Clearly, because in human brain these developmental processes are occurring over many weeks to months, prolonged therapy with EPO could be needed and potentially could be beneficial. However, serious safety and risk-benefit issues require very careful consideration before controlled study of such an approach could be undertaken.
To conclude, the HEAL study has raised very important issues relating to timing of hypoxic-ischemic injury and timing of EPO therapy. My view is that the EPO story concerning the infant with HIE, hopefully, hasn’t finished and will add other important chapters.
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital
Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Boston MA
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Disclaimer: The views expressed on this page are solely the author’s opinion and do not necessarily reflect the views or endorsement of the Newborn Brain Society.