The Newborn Brain Society is pleased to announce a Call for Nominations for or members interested in serving as Chair/Director and as Committee Member for our various Committees.
Nomination are being accepted for the following positions.
- One (1) – Chair of Membership Committee & Board Member
- One (1) – Education Committee Member
- One (1) – QI & Research Committee Member
- One (1) – Guidelines & Publications Committee Member
- Two (2) – Communication & Networking Committee Members
- Two (2) – Finance Committee Members
Committee Members will serve one-three year term that can be renewed. Committee Chair will serve one or two three-year term including serving on the BOD.
January 15th – April 15th
Nominations accepted
Selection of top candidates for Committee Chair and BOD member for survey of General members.
Voting by BOD and results announced for all positions.
October 1st
Beginning of term
Nominees must be General or General LMIC member to qualify and retain position.
Chair of Membership Committee & Board Member
The Chair of Membership Committee will concurrently serve on the Board of Directors. Duties may include oversight and development with membership policies, improving the member database, and developing a committee member nomination process for underrepresented groups of members. The anticipated time commitment will be approximately 4-8 hours per month including one-hour monthly Committee meeting and an additional one-hour Board of Directors meeting.
Communication & Networking Committee Member
Committee members will have experience in marketing, graphic design, social media, fundraising or outreach. Duties may include updating the NBS website, reviewing press releases, flyers, annual reports, forming task forces and increasing social media presence and outreach to underrepresented groups, as well as the solicitation of corporate donations, philanthropic support and other fundraising efforts. The anticipated time commitment is approximately 2-4 hours per month, including one-hour monthly meetings.
Education Committee Member
Committee members will have experience in teaching, mentoring, and collaborating with others. Duties may include developing educational and teaching resources for members, planning and moderating educational activities, connecting with experts in the field to collaborate with and assisting with CME accreditation. The anticipated time commitment is approximately 2-4 hours per month, including one-hour monthly meetings.
Guidelines & Publications Committee Member
Duties may include authoring, or co-authoring, new guidelines and publications, peer-reviewing articles, collaborating with experts in the field to determine relevant topic areas, and developing processes for publishing on behalf of the organization. The anticipated time commitment will be approximately 2-4 hours per month, including one-hour monthly meetings.
Finance Committee Member
Committee members will have experience in financial analysis, taxes, or accounting. Duties may include budget oversight, strategic financial planning, and yearly tax preparation. The anticipated time commitment is approximately 2-4 hours per month, including one-hour monthly meetings.
QI & Research Committee Member
Committee members will have experience in Quality Improvement in Neonatal Neurology, and members of any of the following societies: SPR, AES, CNS, etc. Duties may include developing infrastructure for Quality Improvement and Research for the Newborn Brain Society and its membership, facilitating specific research and QI projects, and reviewing the scientific merit of research, QI projects or proposals for the NBS website, presentations or shared resources. The anticipated time commitment is approximately 2-4 hours per month, including one-hour monthly meetings.
Members with predominantly Quality Improvement focus
Quality improvement experience, as evidenced by a dedicated role in quality improvement within a NICU or center, leadership of quality improvement initiatives, and/or publication of peer-reviewed original research.
Committee Member Expectations
— Approving and fulfilling the strategic plan of the committee
— Attending monthly committee meetings (members are expected to attend at least 75% of meetings)
— Reviewing agenda items sent for monthly meetings
— Approving monthly meeting minutes
— Engaging in discussions electronically or in person related to committee activities Voting on committee policies and decisions
— Leading specific projects and task forces and reporting back to committee
Committee Chair and Co-Chair Expectations
— Organizing and outlining annual goals with specific annual outcomes for the committee
— Reviewing committee output/productivity at annual meetings including reporting to the BOD
— Identifying gaps in the skill-set within the committee membership; adding members to address the gaps
— Setting the agenda for each meeting and running meetings
— Documenting and saving minutes of meetings
— Serving as role models for leadership for junior members