For the second year, the Newborn Brain Society’s QI and Research Committee is now accepting applications for the Early Career Award.
The NBS Early Career Award is a program initiated in 2022 to support investigators with a focus on the fetal and neonatal brain. The support mechanism consists of $10,000 with no indirect costs. A no cost extension might be allowed for a second year maximum. We encourage people from under-represented groups in medicine to apply.
The research topic should be focused on advancing fetal or newborn brain care and can be a basic science, translational, quality improvement or clinical project. Successful applicants are expected to present their completed work at the subsequent NBS or PAS Meeting.
An approved Letter of Intent is required prior to the submission of the application. Those interested, can complete the LOI here.
- MD, PhD, or MD/PhD RN, NNP, PT/OT, MPH, allied health professionals applicant who is an NBS member AND either a clinical trainee, post-doc or a junior faculty within 5 years of completion training.
- Career development awards or equivalent are allowed (e.g. K23, K08, or foundation early career grants) but total current funding must be ≤ $100,000 US dollars equivalent (excluding salary support) per year.
- A Letter of Support signed by the sponsoring department chair/division chief that confirms support of applicant and funding. View template here.
- Specific Aims page, Abstract (300 word limit), and an Approach section (No more than 3 pages total using arial 11 font, single space, 0.5 inch margins).
- Budget and justification: 1 page
- NIH style Biosketch: Use the sample format on the Biographical Sketch Format Page to prepare this section for all grant applications.
- Other Support form that includes all other funding sources with amounts. Upload NIH style Other Support form or use the template here.
The deadline for the applications is October 31, 2023 by 11:59pm EST. All applications must be submitted through this form. Applications will not be accepted via fax, email or mail.