Newborn Brain Society

New Membership Level – Low-Middle Income Countries

The Newborn Brain Society now has three membership levels – General, Junior, and General-LMIC (for those living in low-middle income countries).

A General Member (LMIC) is a person residing and working in a country with “low-income economy,” “lower-middle-income economy,” or “upper-middle-income economy” as defined by the World Bank’s most recent available data. For 2020, please see: and scroll down to the income designations. General members (LMIC) must provide an institutional email, ID, and current CV, and eligibility will be verified. Once verified, General Members (LMIC) will be changed to active members, and will have all of the same benefits as General Members (hold office, vote, pay dues, join educational activities, etc).

The annual membership fee for those in LMIC is only $25 USD.

CLICK HERE to join the Newborn Brain Society today.

Benefits of Membership:
– Access to member-only online resources
– Receipt of membership newsletter
– Nomination to any of the standing committees
– Discounts on select scientific conferences
– Voting privileges (General Members and General Members (LMIC) Only)

Annual dues for general membership is $100 /year and for general membership (LMIC) is $25 /year
Junior members can join for free


We welcome members of the business community to participate in public offerings of the NBS, although those with conflicts of interest with the NBS may not become members or hold office within the society.

NBS reserves the right to withhold or revoke membership for perceived conflict of interest. All decisions regarding membership and potential/perceived conflicts of interest are subject to review by the NBS Board of Directors.

For any questions, please email

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